Public Register

The Public Register provides information relating to decisions, directions and certain notices by CCCS under the Competition Act 2004. It also lists cases relating to the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act 2003.


Anti-Competitive Agreements

This register carries both CCCS's investigations related to anti-competitive agreements, decisions and practices under Section 34 of the Act, as well as notifications for CCCS's decisions by undertakings under Section 44 of the Act.

organisation tree

Abuse of Dominance

This register carries both CCCS's investigations related to abuse of dominance under Section 47 of the Act, as well as notifications for CCCS's decisions by undertakings under Section 51 of the Act

intersecting circles

Mergers and Acquisitions

This register carries both CCCS's investigations related to anti-competitive mergers under Section 54 of the Act, as well as notifications for decisions by undertakings under Sections 57 (pertaining to anticipated mergers) or 58 (pertaining to mergers) of the Act.


Consumer Protection

This register lists cases relating to the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act.

Latest Updates in the Public Register

Status Date Title Type Category Status
21 Jun 2024 Loft Home Furnishing Caught Posting Fake Customer Reviews Investigation shield Closed
13 Jun 2024 Proposed Acquisition of Shares in Hg Metal Manufacturing Limited by Green Esteel Pte. Ltd. Notification intersecting circles Pending
24 May 2024 Proposed Acquisition by ANA Holdings Inc of Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd. Notification intersecting circles Cleared
1 Apr 2024 CCCS had issued Interim Measures Directions during the Possible Acquisition by Grab of Delivery Hero’s business in Singapore Investigation intersecting circles Closed
21 Mar 2024 Purexygen Pte Ltd Undertakes to Cease Unfair Practices Investigation shield Closed
Status Date 21 Jun 2024
Type Investigation
Category shield
Status Closed
Status Date 13 Jun 2024
Type Notification
Category intersecting circles
Status Pending
Status Date 24 May 2024
Type Notification
Category intersecting circles
Status Cleared
Status Date 21 Mar 2024
Type Investigation
Category shield
Status Closed