ICN Annual Conference 2016 Day 3

Plenary 6: Agency Effectiveness Working Group (AEWG) - Evaluation: Measuring Agency Performance
This session is moderated by William Kovacic (center), Non-Executive Director, UK Competition and Markets Authority. The other panelists include (left to right) Skaidrite Abrama, Chairperson, Competition Council of Latvia, Chris Fonteijn, Chairman, Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, Devender Kumar Sikri, Chairperson, Competition Commission of India and Yuriy Terentyev, Chairman, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

Plenary Session for Steering Group Second Decade's Review
(Center) Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, Germany and ICN Steering Group Chair moderated this session. The other panelists are (left to right) Randolph Tritell, Director of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission, Francis Kariuki, Director-General, Competition Authority of Kenya, Calvin S. Goldman, Partner of Goodmans LLP and Rose Webb, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Competition Commission.