Loft Home Furnishing Caught Posting Fake Customer Reviews

CCCS commenced an investigation under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act 2003 (“CPFTA”) against Loft Home Furnishing Pte. Ltd. (“Loft Home Furnishing”) , after receiving complaints from its customers. The complainants alleged that reviews containing their initials were posted on its website at (“Website”) without their knowledge. The reviews gave glowing recommendations on the quality of the purchased furniture, and contained actual photos of the furniture displayed in the customers’ homes. During the investigation, CCCS found fake 5-star reviews on the Website that appeared to be made by at least seven customers and were published between November 2022 and August 2023. 

Following CCCS’s investigation, the Loft Home Entities have given an undertaking to CCCS that they will, amongst other things:

(a) Stop posting fake reviews;

(b) Set up a feedback channel for customers to report any fake reviews on the Website or any other website that may be owned or operated by Loft Home Entities; 

(c) Inform and invite previous customers who made purchases between November 2022 and August 2023, and future customers who are asked to leave a review, to report any fake reviews made on the Website in respect of their purchases; and

(d) Remove reviews which have been verified by either CCCS or themselves to be fake.

In closing the case, CCCS has accepted the undertakings and issued warnings to the Loft Home Entities, and its business owners, regarding the fake reviews. CCCS will take action if Loft Home Entities or its business owners breach the undertakings or engage in any unfair trade practice. Loft Home Furnishing has since removed the fake reviews identified during the investigation.

Consumers are advised to always exercise caution when relying on reviews to make their transactions. Consumers can use a set of tips developed by CCCS, provided in the enclosed infographic, to spot fake reviews and avoid being misled.   

Please refer to the media release for more details.


Infographics - Consumer Tips for Online Reviews