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CCCS Annual Report FY 2017 2018

Twogether (FY 2017/18)

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Archive: Past Annual Reports

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CCCS AR FY19 Cover Image

Protecting Competition Protecting Consumers (FY 2019/20)

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Annual Report FY2021 Cover

Stronger Together (FY2020/21)

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Fair Play (FY 2018/19)

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AR FY 22-23 Thumbnail

Driving Competition. Empowering Consumers (FY2022/23)

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ASEAN Guidelines on Online Dispute Resolution

On 8 April 2022, the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection published the Guidelines, which is a follow-on initiative of the ASEAN Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Feasibility Study published in December 2020. The Guidelines aim to assist ASEAN Member States in establishing or improving their national ODR systems to help resolve e-commerce transactions disputes.

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ASEAN ECommerce Handbook thumnbail

Handbook on Competition & E-Commerce in ASEAN

The handbook highlights how E-Commerce impacts traditional competition dynamics, as well as outlines policy considerations and advocacy strategies to address the challenges of enforcing competition law with the rise of E-Commerce activities.

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ASEAN Online Business Code of Conduct

The ASEAN Online Business Code of Conduct (“Code”) was jointly produced by the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) and the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on E-Commerce. CCCS is a member of the ACCP. The Code contains 15 voluntary commitments for online businesses to act responsibly towards consumers, including a commitment to treat consumers fairly by not engaging in unfair business practices.

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ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Associations

On 12 April 2022, the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection published the Guidelines to further promote engagement with the ASEAN Consumer Associations Network. The Guidelines aim to assist consumer associations by providing practical guidance related to the formation, formalisation, operation and sustainability of consumer associations in ASEAN Member States.

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