Over the past year, CCS has remained
steadfast in fulfilling our mission to
makemarketsworkwell for businesses
and consumers in Singapore.
We were delighted to be able to host over 500 delegates
from 83 countries for the International Competition
Network (“ICN”) Annual Conference. This was the first
time the ICNAnnual Conferencewas hosted in Southeast
Asia. It is our hope that together with our partners in
ASEAN and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we will be
able to further strengthen the competition policy and
law developments in this region.
In support of this goal, the Minister for Trade and
Industry (Trade) Mr LimHng Kiang launched the ASEAN
Competition Policy and Law (“CPL”) Programme. CCS
will take the lead to develop this programme, which
will contribute to aligning the competition policy and
law of ASEAN member states. The CPL Programme
will promote closer collaboration and relationships
amongst businesses, competition authorities as well
as relevant government agencies in ASEAN, to help
foster a competitive, innovative and dynamic ASEAN
unified market.
As CCS tackles more complex and cross-border cases,
we strive to deliver effective and efficient investigation
and enforcement, despite limited resources. In this
regard, we have embarked on a comprehensive
review of the CCS Guidelines. Proposed amendments
to the Guidelines took into account feedback from
stakeholders, best practices in other jurisdictions,
as well as CCS’s experience over the past decade in
administering and enforcing the various provisions of
the Competition Act.
I am confident that the proposed changes will make it
easier for businesses, consumers and stakeholders
to understand the application of competition law. At
the same time, the streamlining and simplification of
various notification forms and procedures will save
businesses time.
One example is the push towards even more self-
reporting by businesses through our leniency
programme. This will be refined so that businesses
know upfront what to expect and what will be required
by CCS during the process. More incentives such as
a penalty discount of up to 50% will be provided for
coercers and initiators of a cartel activity.
Another example is a new Fast Track procedure for
cases. This will enable businesses under investigation