Further learning points on the “What”, “How”, and “When”
of disruptive innovation-related government advocacy
were also discussed in the special project report.
Key findings from the special project report were
presentedat the ICN2016Annual Conference inSingapore.
Following the presentation, heads of competition
authorities, private competition law practitioners,
as well as representatives from the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”)
discussed the crucial role competition authorities
play in advocating for regulators to strike a balance
between pursuing public policy objectives and promoting
a pro-competition regulatory environment that enables
disruptive innovations. This reaffirmed the importance
of a competition authority’s competition advocacy role
and also broadened participatingmembers’ perspectives
on disruptive innovation.
The other members on the plenary session included – Mr Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, Germany, and ICN Steering Group Chair;
Ms Edith Ramirez, Chairwoman, US Federal Trade Commission; Ms Gabriella Muscolo, Commissioner, Italian Competition Authority; and Ms Alejandra
Palacios Prieto, Chairwoman, Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission