CCCS Divisions

Legal, Enforcement and Consumer Protection (LEC):

LEC undertakes legal, enforcement, advocacy, and intelligence work in relation to the administration of the Competition Act and Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act, working closely with Business and Economics, Policy and Markets, and Data and Digital divisions. LEC consists of 3 divisions – Legal, Enforcement and Consumer Protection.

  • Legal Division:

    The Legal Division takes the lead in providing CCCS with the legal expertise necessary for CCCS to fulfil its mission. Specifically, the Legal Division applies rigorous legal analysis in all investigations and notifications under the Competition Act and provides legal advice for matters related to the administration of the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act or CPFTA. It also undertakes critical review of the Competition Act and CPFTA, related subsidiary legislation and CCCS’s guidelines. Finally, the Legal Division performs all in-house legal advisory work required in the execution of CCCS's functions and represents CCCS in court and appeal proceedings.

  • Enforcement Division:

    The Enforcement Division takes the lead in providing CCCS with enforcement and intelligence capabilities to enable CCCS to fulfil its mission. As all officers in the Enforcement Division are legally trained, they also undertake the full range of CCCS’s legal work alongside the Legal Division. 

  • Consumer Protection (CP) Division:

    The CP Division takes the lead in the administration of the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act or CPFTA to prevent suppliers in Singapore from engaging in unfair practices, and provides the necessary enforcement and investigation capability for CCCS to fulfil its mission. The CP Division works closely with the Consumers Association of Singapore and the Singapore Tourism Board to identify, and enforce the CPFTA against, egregious suppliers that persistently engage in unfair practices. The CP Division also advocates for suppliers to engage in fair trading practices so as to enable consumers to make informed purchases. 

Economics, Policy and Data (EPD):

EPD undertakes economic analysis in support of CCCS’s enforcement and advocacy functions with respect to competition and consumer protection issues, working closely with Legal, Enforcement and Consumer Protection Divisions. EPD consists of 3 divisions – Business and Economics, Policy and Markets, and Data and Digital.

  • Business and Economics (BE) Division:

    The BE Division takes the lead in researching and analysing economic and behavioural issues to ensure that CCCS’s economic assessment framework and tools are robust and updated. It also advocates fair and competitive business practices to professional bodies and business communities.

  • Government Advocacy and Markets (GAM) Division:

    The GAM Division takes the lead in engaging and advising government agencies on competition matters. In addition, the GAM Division takes the lead in the identification and conduct of market studies to address competition and consumer protection issues. 

  • Data and Digital (D2) Division:

    The D2 Division harnesses technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of CCCS, performs data analytics to better inform our decision-making processes and institutionalises knowledge in digital markets, so as to augment CCCS’s enforcement and advocacy functions with respect to competition and consumer protection issues in digital markets and beyond.

Corporate Affairs (CA) Division:

The CA Division supports the Divisions in achieving CCCS’s mission through the delivery of key corporate services critical to the success of the organisation. Primarily, the CA Division oversees the functions of human resource, finance, procurement, information technology and office administration. It strives to nurture a productive, engaged and future-ready workforce and make CCCS an excellent workplace by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of our corporate systems and processes.

International, Communications & Planning (ICP) Division:

The work of the ICP Division encompasses strategy development, corporate communications, international affairs and organisational excellence. The ICP Division works in close partnership with other divisions in CCCS to chart long-term organisation growth, track organisation performance, as well as to formulate strategies and execute programmes in the areas of advocacy, outreach, external communications and international engagement.