CCS shares early enforcement challenges at Hong Kong seminar
Mr Toh Han Li, Chief Executive of the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS), was invited to speak at the “Aspects of the Hong Kong Competition Law Regime” seminar, organized by the Hong Kong Competition Commission (HKCC) and Hong Kong Competition Association on 6 April 2017.
Speaking from the experience of Singapore, Mr Toh shared the likely enforcement challenges for the Hong Kong system in areas such as capacity building, advocacy, managing public expectations, case selection, investigations and decision-making/ judicial process.
Other speakers on the panel include Dr Mary Catherine Lucey, Lecturer/ Assistant Professor of the Sutherland School of Law from the University College Dublin, Ms Diana Pang, Head (Investigations) of the HKCC, and Mr Francois Renard, Registered Foreign Lawyer BEL of Allen and Overy, Hong Kong.