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In The Act Issue 6

In The Act (Issue 6)

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CCCS In the Act Issue 8 Cover Image

In The Act (Issue 8)

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In the Act Issue 9 Cover Image

In The Act (Issue 9)

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In The Act Issue 14 thumbnail

Issue 14 In The Act (Oct 2022 - Jan 2023)

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Issue 15 cover

Issue 15 In The Act (Feb - May 2023)

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Issue 16 In The Act (Jun - Sep 2023)

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In the Act Issue 7

In The Act (Issue 7)

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In the Act Issue 17 Cover

Issue 17 In The Act (Oct 2023 - Jan 2024)

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Big Data Thumbnail

Data: Engine for Growth – Implications for Competition Law, Personal Data Protection, and Intellectual Property Rights

Data is increasingly being recognised as an asset to businesses and an engine for economic growth with great potential to drive innovation and contribute to the transformation of industries in Singapore.

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Pen on paper

Are FRAND commitments applicable outside the SEPs domain – An Economic Perspective

This research paper shows that the circumstances that give rise to the economic justification for the use of FRAND commitments in SEP cases are not unique, but instead are also present in some non-SEP cases such as those involving vertical effects in mergers and acquisitions, or abuse of dominance conduct such as refusal to supply.

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